Services Act

MDP Advocaten BV is registered at Jean-Baptiste de Ghellincklaan 31, 9051 Sint-Denijs-Westrem
Our company number is 0466.770.829, our VAT number is BE 0466.770.829

Jos Mertens, Bettina Poelemans, Antoon Erauw, Jean Cloquet and Antoon Dierick (whether or not as permanent representatives of their individual company of which they act as permanent representatives) practice the profession of lawyer as a partner of the MDP Advocaten BV, an association (“associatie”) within the meaning of the Regulations of the Flemish Bar Association (“Reglement van de Orde van de Vlaamse Balies”) of 8 November 2006 concerning partnerships between lawyers and concerning individual companies of lawyers.

All other lawyers at our firm perform their activities as independent service providers of MDP Advocaten BV and are registered at the Bar of Ghent.

Contact details of the firm and the lawyers:

1. Professional liability insurance

The firm, its partners and its lawyers are insured for a total amount of € 17,000,000. The following insurance policies have been taken out for this purpose:

In first rank for an amount of € 2,500,000.00 per claim under the collective civil liability policy Amlin Europe NV, policy number LXX034899, subscribed by the Order of Flemish Bars. In second rank € 2,500,000.00 per claim guaranteed by the policy Beroepsaansprakelijkheid Advocaten Bijkomende waarborg 2nd rank no. 323/3.016.702/030 subscribed by AIG Europe. In third rank for an amount of € 12,000,000.00 with HDI-Gerling Verzekeringen NV, Tervurenlaan 273/1 in 1150 Brussels with policy number 60/72044/23_018.

The policy conditions are available on request.

2. Services

You can contact the firm for the following services, among others:

  • Real estate, construction and contracting law, both private and public
  • Public procurement and administrative law
  • Liability law (general liability, professional liability, product liability insurance, ...)
  • Company law, mergers and acquisitions
  • Insolvency and bankruptcy law
  • General commercial law
  • IT and data legislation
  • Gambling legislation
  • Arbitration
  • Financial criminal law in cooperation with a specialised lawyer in criminal law and criminal procedure
  • Cooperation with specialised firms for social law and tax law

The firm is part of LEGAL NETLINK, an international alliance of independent law firms, and has correspondents throughout Europe, the US, Canada, South America and Asia.

3. Information and complaints

If you would like to receive further information or in the event you would have a complaint, please contact Mr. Bettina Poelemans or Mr. Antoon Erauw (tel.: (+32) 09/223.90.03 or,

4. Professional rules and code of conduct

All lawyers of the firm are registered with the Ghent Bar and are subject to the regulations of the Order of the Flemish Bars and those of the National Bar, which can be consulted on or via, as well as to the regulations of his/her Bar, which can be consulted on or via

5. Rates

The costs and fees are agreed between the parties before the start of any assignment. If an insurer intervenes which does not pay our fees or does not pay them in full, the client will pay the (remaining) amount due.

Contact us